
Peace, justice, kindness and friendship to the world. Help to make an healthy world. No needless pollution (big owners are the worst on that), not to much wireless bad radiation, say NO to experimental pharma products or other suspicious things.

I like chess, exercice, and many good and healthy things!

My avatar is an ancient warrior...

I' m married happy.png

I admire Judit Polgar a great world chess champion. She was the only woman that win an oficial chess game with Garry Kasparov!

A great song to dangerous fraud pandemic times! Stand & Deliver (Erci Clapton) Eric Clapton - Stand & Deliver (Van Morrison protest song 2020) - YouTube

Stop to be a slave of Hi-tech, of fashion stop to obey blindly to big pharma (they just want profit), be carefull with mainstream...is very important to be wise and have ethics.

Rise Up! Do you know MUSE song, "Uprising"?