Born and raised in KC MO, learned chess at a early age from my brother Louis upon his return from the Vietnam war, progressed in chess thru the school system, park and club chess and hard knocks at the legendary "Chess House" when it was owned by legendary chess rogue Jack Winters. Local Chess contemporaries......IM Mike Brooks,Ronnie Luther,Zeb Fortman(chess teacher),Charles Lawton,Donald Hooker,Herman Key,Robert Holliman,Steve Ahlstrom,Doug Eckert,Chess House 2nd owner and Great friend of chess the late Don Oswald. My favorite chessplayers..Robert J.Fischer,Emmanuel Lasker,Alexander Alekhine,Raoul Capablanca, Anatoly Karpov,Zoltan Ribli,Eugenio Torre,Michail Tal, Tigran Petrosian,Miguel Najdorf,Issac Boleslavski,The Turk,Garry Kasparov,Issac Zilber.................... I find chess to be a very mentally refreshing and stimulating leisure activity. Chess is a great way for many youths to excell in a sporting activity other than football or basketball or baseball that also improves the mind. Chess tournaments I liken to a final exam, a great test of your stamina, nerves and ideas and theories of the game. Chess is best if not taken to the extreme as history shows that chess when taken to the extreme can be hazardous to ones health.