
Hi, and welcome to my profile!

I am a professional chess trainer, coach, vlogger & lecturer.

I started out playing the game of chess when I was about 8 years old and have been a passionate chess player ever since.
I am a K.N.S.B. (Dutch Chess Federation) qualified chess trainer and "train-the-trainer" teacher and have been teaching and training chess for more then fifteen years.
Also I have gathered a lot of over-the-board experience in playing around 1400(!) serious tournament and competition games.

Free services include:
- chess improvement videos and articles
- news coverage and analysis of top level events

Paid services include:

- a one-time-purchase (lifetime!) chess improvement membership
- personal training (online or face-to-face)
- group training sessions or lectures

For more information about my activities & services please visit my site http://www.betteryourchess.com

Here's to your chess success!