If you wanna improve look no further!! Languages: English/Urdu Coaching Method: Depends on the level of play, period of engagement and interest of the student. However normally my coaching method will include: a) Removing errors in the Opening...

Tom Shupe, founder of MVP Chess and Chess.com Coach of the Month, is an active tournament player with a peak USCF rating of 2025. An award-winning writer, his work has been published in print by American Chess Magazine and online...

🔔1 place left for new students in February 🍀 A Fide master with INTERNATIONAL MASTER norm (IM)! I work with the students according to the program of the Legendary GM Botvinik chess school! I am a seasoned professional sports and...

I have the Best Chess Performance ever in chess history with elo of 3103! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfk18H1zlVE I shared 4-9th place in World Rapid Chess Championship https://chess-results.com/tnr1074690.aspx?lan=1&art=4&flag=30...

💬 FREE INTRO CALL! Coaching for Adults at All Levels! Double Your Chess Rating Progress in Half the Time! 💎 Exclusive Bonuses! ...

Hi! I began coaching in 2016, and since then, I've had the privilege of working with a wide range of students, from Grandmasters like GM Nijat Abasov and GM Vasif Durarbayli to enthusiastic newcomers. One of my non-titled students, Can Isik, even...

2 Free Chess Lessons – See the Difference for Yourself! 🤝 Yes, I’m offering 2 free trial lessons so you can experience my coaching firsthand. I’m Matija Nikolic, a chess player and coach with 9+ years of playing experience and 3+ years...

Do you need a dedicated chess coach for your child? Or are you a beginner who is struggling to understand the fundamentals of chess and would like to significantly improve? You may be an ambitious player who wants to get a serious Fide rating and...

I am Alessandro Santagati, a 37 years old FM.I live in Catania , Sicily , and I started playing chess at the age of 11. I have extensive experience in training.My philosophy is that anyone can improve quickly, given the right lessons.My method is to...

My name is Ostoja Simetic, FIDE Arena |International Master and a national Candidate master in Serbia. FIDE ELO: 2058 Pricing: 60-minute class: $19 Five lessons in advance: $85 Training games: $12/hour Group lessons (minimum 3 students): $10 each Who...

Are you stuck at the same rating and struggling to improve ? Are you sick and tired of losing your games due to blunders? Click on my profile to see how I have helped others just like you. CLICK HERE TO GET 50% OFF YOUR FIRST LESSON!! If you're looking...

Not increasing your rating? Trying to dwell into the fascinating secrets of 64 magical squares. Ask questions! I am Robert Aghasaryan. (Robert Aghasaryan - Wikipedia) Playing Experience: 25 years: Coaching experience: 10...

Enthusiastic about chess, I specialize in nurturing players’ skills through tailored coaching that focuses on practical strategies and confidence-building. I believe in making learning enjoyable while fostering a deep understanding of the game....

Buen día, Soy Nilson Cardenas, actual campeón nacional de mi país, tengo más de 8 años de experiencia como entrenador, trabajando con niños y adultos. El precio por lección varia dese $ 10 a 15, dependiendo...

IM Luís Henrique Coelho, 39, from Brazil. I was taught how to play chess at age 15, achieved my first IM norm at 19 and became an International Master at 21. Currently accepting new students! I'm a very dedicated and hard-working chess instructor with...

Lenguajes: Español, Ingles Saludos Mi nombre es Mauricio Abraham Ramírez González, soy Maestro Fide con una Norma de Maestro Internacional, tengo 21 años de edad y practico esta disciplina desde los 8 años de edad, siendo un jugador totalmente activo...

Hello Everybody! My name is Luke Miller and I am 27 years old. I am a USCF master. If you would like a chess coach that is focused on pushing you to a higher level while also being friendly, look no further. Feel free to send me a message and we can...

Доброго времени суток. Меня зовут Богдан Я Мастер спорта Украины 2018 года .Занимаюсь шахматами с 6 лет. Рейтинг по классическим шахматам 2200Чемпион Украины по шахматах среди юношей до 12 и 16 лет .Многократный призер чемпионатов Украины среди юношей...

Hello! My name is Rohan Joshi. I'm from PUNE, INDIA with experience of 9 years of chess coaching. I'm also conducting online classes for the USA, Australia, UK kids for the last 4 years. I offer training using innovative and effective methods for chess...

My name is Sherif Khater a national master from USA. Lessons available now and game analysis to players looking forward to improving. My experience relies on playing over the board tournaments since 1998 and going on over the course of 20 years. I have...

https://ratings.fide.com/profile/12503592 GM Homayoon Toufighi (Turkey/Antalya) Head coach of Iranian women's nastional team. If you are interested in coaching, you can send me a message, here on chess.com or on my Whatsapp...

Шахматный тренер, Международный Мастер ФИДЕ Онлайн Арены, ученики от 5 до 70 лет. Обучаю детей шахматам с 2018 года (онлайн и в средней школе). Занятия в программе ZOOM. Обучение на русском и английском языках. Пробное занятие бесплатно! +375297487917...