
LEGION Championship 2012: open division

Data de início: 9 de abr. de 2012

Data de Término: 10 de abr. de 2014

Controle de Tempo
Partidas com rating
Rating médio
Intervalo de Rating
Pontos disponíveis
Tamanho máximo do grupo
# Avançam
Partidas simultâneas
Partidas concluídas
Partidas restantes
Máximo Tempo Médio/Lance
# de Perdas por Tempo
Maior surpresa

This is the open dvision for ratings 2000 and above, in the annual championship for LEGION MEMBERS ONLY!!!!! If you're not yet a member but feel you'd like to take part then please apply to join our great group. We'll quickly assess your application and let you know the result.


Starting soon!

Fantasto | 7 de abr. de 2012, 14:12

As we now have 50 entries, we should be able to start soon! However as this is a 'members only' tournament, we need those players who've not yet joined LEGION to do so as soon as possible, so we can get underway. Here's the link to our home page:

Please help us out here!Smile

Lowering the threshold

Fantasto | 2 de abr. de 2012, 14:13

In the interests of attracting some more entries we're lowering the minimum rating level to 1850. Hope everyone is cool with this!

2 to advance

Fantasto | 27 de mar. de 2012, 15:03

As we aren't getting as many entries as we thought, we've increased the number of players going through to round 2 from one to two.