The Dragon Horde

4 Üye
1 Oca 2009
8 Etkinlik Oynandı
be a "DRAGON" enter to "The Dragon Horde" for fun,to learn and share... The game of Chess in the form in which it is played to−day is usually assumed to be of a much older date than can be proved with certainty by documents in our possession. The earliest reference to the game is contained in a Persian romance written about 600 A.D., which ascribes the origin of Chess to India. Many of the European Chess terms used in the Middle Ages which can be traced back to the Indian language also tend to prove that India is the mother country of the game. ""The beginner who thinks he ought to be able to play a good game of Chess after learning the moves of the men is like the soldier who is confident that he could lead an army after he has learned how to march.""