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OK here are some Caribbean edibles that make me want to eat.

That remeind me of 'home'.

That make me homesick.

That alleviates my homesickness.


1.  Coucou and Flying Fish.

I must put this first as it is the "national" dish of Barbados where I grew up and feel most 'at home'.

2.  Sugar Cakes.  

This is a sweet made mainly of sugar and coconut.  It can be made hard or gooey.  I LOVE the gooey.

3.  Red Herring.

Roasted, toasted, steamed, stewed or pickled.  Succulent!

4. Mutton Broth.

For anytime when you are unwell, think you are unwell, or just not feeling too well.

5.  Sugar Apple, Star Apple, Pineapple, Golden Apples, Mangoes, Plums, Cherries...all the fruit.   I do not know of a Caribbean fruit that I can refuse.  I love gooseberries and the jam/preserve made from them.  The tartness was so right at times; especially after a hard day at school or out playing in the sun!

I shall post some more another time.  Right now I must go eat/drink my Barley Soup



7royalknight77Hephzibah Ben-Adam.


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