
What symptoms do you have when playing too much chess?

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I was discussing with a friend the other day, and we both came to the conclusion that too much chess make us harm. I hate to admit it but I cannot play more than 2-3 games within an hour or two. If I play again later on and conclude 6-7 games at the end of the day I cannot stop thinking of chess boards and pieces. If I do this more than 2 days in a row then it influences me a lot more during the day. I may make a pause and play again after one day or two, but i discover that I need some games to catch up with my performance and as soon as I get on my good levels, I need a break again! Undecided
My friend admitted that he is influenced by too much chess as well. He is thinking of lost games and alternative ways he should have played and things like that. Laughing

So I am interested to hear other people's symptoms of too much chess. I don't believe that me and my friend are the only ones! Smile How are the GMs, IMs and FMs cope with such issues?