
arnolio verses guttertwounders

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Played guttertwounders 3 games as arnolio. The first game was close until he diagonally took out my rook with his bishop. After that he gradually took control of game with his rooks closing much of my space and lanes off. Guttertwounders (Lee) applied a great deal of pressure and by the end of the match it was a rout. He mated with major pieces combining. The second match was very close, but he made some bad exchanges and I managed to get on counter attack to gain a much needed win! The third match started out with him using a queen attack I'd not seen to sacrafice his bishop to out my king. After that his queen devastated my side and totally had my game on the ropes. After that, however, Guttertwounders seemed to lose focus as he disconnected several times. I eventually got back into game and won in a major way. Had he pressed his early lead he surely would have won. Thankfully, I won 2 of 3 and look forward to further matches with Lee.