
Pierre vs. Arnolio

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I renewed my recent rivalry with Pierre (Telfort) and the results were mixed. The first match went my way and I was very gratified, because he had began to dominate the last time we played a number of months ago. He was agressive but did not see my diagonal move to take out pawn. My defense held and after quite a bit of exchanging and a lot of major pressure I got Pierre to give up on his game and resign in about 30 moves. The next two matches were not as good a result for me. The second match was close and I had two rooks after his king late in the match, but I failed to notice his knight in postion to block any escape when he brought down rook. My jaw dropped when he scored the mate to suddenly even the score at 1 game a piece. The third match seemed close, but he scored in key situations and despite my aggressive attack, Pierre got into postion for inevitable mate with a material and postion advantage and a pawn moving down to queen. I quit the fight and tendered my resignation. Sucks losing two out of three initial matches, especially with my strong first game. Hopefully, I can dominate him in future matches and he will not be the hero of this blog..:-{