Let the Games Begin

Let the Games Begin

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(Beat Reporter:  Mark LaRocca)  Chess is a game.  And, if you will, one played by gladiators, warriors of a sort not seen since the middle ages.  Its mayhem is enacted over 64 squares,  its blood drawn in terms of rating points and broken egos;  its 1500 years of existence seems evidence of our own violent nature, our lust to conquer, our envy of the powerful, our desire to move as Kings and Queens.  It is as pitious and wonderful a pursuit as ever was gifted to us.   The arena is ready; its emptiness yearns for combatants on the morrow.  The Emperor prepares his speech, his subtle motion, a wave of the hand to summon the action.  The cheers of thousands ring through the ethers of this invisible stage.  Their voice grows louder, stronger, more relentless, and the screams form as if in a single voice.

"Let the games begin!"

And so they shall, and so shall it be, Boston slays the viper.

Carolina Cobras vs Boston Blitz 

All Time Series Record: (Boston leads 8 - 1)

Carolina Cobras (1.5)  Boston Blitz (2.5)
IM Kassa Korley: 2485 (White)     IM Denys Shmelov: 2444  (Black)
IM Jonathan Schroer: 2427 (B)     NM Vadim Martirosov: 2367 (W)
SM Ilker Bozkurt: 2393 (W)     NM Ahmet Bolat: 2380 (B)
NM Aaron Balleisen: 2282 (B)     NM Chris Williams: 2334 (W)
Average Rating: 2397     Average Rating: 2381