Out Thunk! Blitz Lose to Arch Bishops

Out Thunk! Blitz Lose to Arch Bishops

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(Beat Reporter:  Mark LaRocca)

Unfortunately, I had the top two boards picked correctly Boston (0.5 - 1.5), and, unfortunately, I totally blew the bottom picks Boston (0.5 - 1.5), and Ilya's best thought out line-up of the season sank slowly into the west with only a MacDonald's arch to mark the spot of their disappearance... this night... and this season.  Boston (1 - 3)

We had it all planned perfectly.  We could handle two world class GMs on the top boards, no problem.  Sam had White, and, who knows, he could even win.  And Steven, well, he always plays tough, but, a draw against GM So... maybe?  Anyway, our chances lay on the bottom boards, Vadim and Ilya (Thinking man) Krasik.  It was a good plan he came up with... he and Vadim would win, simple as that.  But, the pressure mounted when Steven went down, and Ilya was struggling to hold a draw. Still, a drawn match would save face and, maybe, an outside chance at the playoffs.  However, Thinking man was out thunk... and the Blitz were down (0 - 2). 

It was now an impossible task, as Vadim had dropped (sacrificed?) a pawn and was struggling to draw, and Sam played the game of the match to keep chances alive.  But in the end, it was two draws and a lost match.  Let's follow this sad tale and analyze our way into the sunset over the golden arch of week 7.

I must say that I really enjoyed this game, even though we lost.  Well played by both sides, don't you think?  And now, we must peruse the unperuse-able.  Somehow, Ilya managed to get himself in trouble, as White, in just 20 moves.  The pressure to win, I guess. But, it's easy for me to criticize... not so easy when you are in the arena.

So, Whatya think?  The best laid plans, eh?... Right down the tubes.  Now, we could only draw with the impossible dream that both Sam and Vadim could win.  I say impossible because the games looked drawish at best.  Next up, Vadim.

Nice try Vadim, but no way to win that one.  What was up with the pawn sac?  Oh well, I guess it doesn't really matter.  The match was now lost, but Sam and GM Liem fought on to the very end.

Alright, it's over.  We put on our thinking caps for this match and came up empty.  I think it was Rock-Paper-Scissors... or did we do Eeny-Meeny this time.  Ilya will chime in with the answer to that, I 'm sure.  In any case, I feel like crying... but, I won't.  Instead, Let's celebrate.  I will bring Pizza to the next match.  All the players are invited to come by, fans too.  Let's go down eating... my favorite pasttime... next to chess, of course.  

Come join us.  You don't wanna miss the Toilet bowl, Blitz vs Nor'Easters, do ya?  What ya gonna say when someone asks... Where were you when the Blitz flushed NE into the Charles?

Tues., Tues. Oct. 14, 7:40pm.,  at 59 Shepard st. Cambridge, MA., SOCH building, Harvard University.  

Or, at least follow the games online… on ICC,