
Fischer's Bust to the King's Gambit

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by U.S. Champion Bobby Fischer 
International Grandmaster 
The King's Gambit has lost popularity, but not sympathy. 
Analysts treat it with kid gloves and seem reluctant to 
demonstrate an outright refuatation. "The Chessplayers Manual" 
by Gossip and Lipschutz, published in 1874, devotes 237 pages 
to this gambit without arriving at a conclusion. To this day 
the opening has been analyzed romantically - not 
scientifically. Moderns seem to share the same unconscious 
attitude that caused the old-timers to curse stubborn Steinitz: 
"He took the beauty out of chess." 
To the public, the player of the King's Gambit exhibits courage 
and derring-do. The gambit has been making a comeback with the 
younger Soviet masters, notably Spassky (who defeated 
Bronstein, Averbach and myself with it). His victories rarely 
reflected the merits of the opening since his opponents went 
wrong in the mid-game. It is often the case, also, as with 
Santasiere and Bronstein, that the King's Gambit is played with 
a view to a favorable endgame. Spassky told me himself the 
gambit doesn't give White much, but he plays it because neither 
does the Ruy Lopez nor the Giuoco Piano. 
The refuatation of any gambit begins with accepting it. In my 
opinion the King's Gambit is busted. It loses by force. 
And Black wins... Of course White can always play differently, in which case he merely loses differently.