
Does A Bear Play Chess in the Woods?

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Getting ready for our annual camping trip up north .... its bear country, but with some common sense precautions there is really nothing to worry about .....

No food in the tent, wash the dishes after every meal, all garbage and recycling (empty beer cans) to the dump or in the trunk of the car ....fallen smores kicked into the fire .... and don't leave the chess set out on the picnic table!

Bears play chess in Ontario, they castle long, they en passant, and they dance like Jagger (or rather Tal).

While our tent is now a pop-up trailer, and our kids have to be kept entertained ....we have a variety of rainy weather games stowed away .....Sorry, Monopoly, Trouble, Backgammon, Cribbage, and Chess.

Last year, Kids being kids, they each pack there own backpacks, one swimsuit, one towel, 4 clean underwears (just in case), one dirty T-shirt, 3 socks, 40 stuffed toys and a DS with 3 games (which tree can I plug this into?) ... and one daughter snuck along her tournament chess pieces and vinyl board!

"Dad! that little board is too small, the pieces fall over, the picnic table is too shoogily!" she said as she proceeded to unfold her board and press out the creases she had introduced.

The board got some use ..... between trips to the beach, hikes to the lookout, and bike rides to the park gates and back ..... and was usually left out all night.

One night, my girl played 1.d4, ......"Dad! are you gonna play?" ...No Honey, It's Late. you brush your teeth and get to bed..... we'll play tommorrow.

The next morning I awoke to "Dad! Dad! The bears play chess! and they play 1..., Nf6!  just like you!