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You know how Magnus Carlsen has a superpower that allows him to squeeze a win out of a dead drawn position? He just keeps making moves that give him a slight increase in his positional advantage until it becomes decisive. My play is often like that. I often make moves that generate small positional gains in an equal position until they add up to a big advantage - for my opponent! That is why I have (unofficially) dubbed myself the Anti-Carlsen. This game is an example of that - and more. The game was played earlier today, here on the site. Time controls were 30min.

Consider the position below. How should white continue?

In this game, I got too greedy. I played for a space advantage, which I got, but then I got carried away and bit over more than I could chew. After move 12, I saw the position with the knight sitting on c7, and thought to myself: Hey, that has to be good. If I had only considered how weak the d6-pawn really was, I would have taken another route.

My opponent gave me more than one chance to repair my mistake, but I guess I was too disapponted that my octopus turned out to be a little lamb that could be driven away by the clap of black's hand. I mourned my (in my mind) dominant position that crumbled to bits.

As usual (?) I made several blunders. In this game I learned the lesson of not over extending my center and not to get too greedy when it comes to utilizing an advantage. I squeezed the life out of the position, but not to my advantage.

If there is a little Anti-Carlsen in you too, please feel free to comment below.