
JCA ゴールデンオープンに参加しました!Games from Golden Open

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四月に大学1年を終え夏休みに入った今、僕は日本に帰国し、JCAが主催しているゴールデンオープンに参加しました。試験勉強で忙しかった僕はあまりチェスをやる時間がなかったため、かなりチェス力が鈍ってました。とりあえず、ゴールデンウィークは用事がなかったのでチェス大会に出てみようと決めました。しかし、三日間で8ラウンドはかなりキツイですね。ペアリングも1700代が3名、1800代が3名の相手に当たり、長いゲームもありました。結果は、4.5/8 でイマイチ(Aクラス5人で3位同時入賞)でしたが金星は3回当てる事が出来たのでレーチィングを上げる事を期待しています。

School is done for me for now and Summer Holidays has arrived. I travelled to Japan where I usually spend my summer. I haven’t played much chess because I was studying for finals in University. Thankfully, that studying paid off as I managed to pass all my courses this semester! And now, I participated in a local tournament hosted by Japan Chess Association, which was the “Golden Open”. The first week of May is usually referred as the “Golden Week” in Japan due to many festive holidays during the time period. Bored with nothing else to do (apart from study but who would do that after writing finals?) I decided to play chess. The structures were 8 games in 3 days, with 50mins + 30 sec increment from move 1. I got matched with tough opposition but managed to score some upsets too. My personal score was 4.5/8. My rating prior to the tournament is 1498.