
Tactic tips for chess beginners

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I just like to pin a few tactics that might help starting players.

Opening  (that's about the first 7 moves)

  • In general castle early in opening, later you might not have the time to castle while under attack, don't be worried about giving away which side you castle, you have plenty of time to make it a stronghold.
  • The chessboard is a field, the center is most deciding area, at first there is the main most important center 4 fields, its surrounded by 12 fields, those are the next best places.
    During opening as white try to be strong here. (and black too)
  • Where i just said strong i mean build pawns and place main peaces (knights / bishops / and yep pawns.. )
  • Bishops can also be strong when placed in the corner, striking from the main diagonals of the playing field.
  • Try not to bring in the queen (only when you play Scandinavian opening you might do that if you know what it is). Never heard of it, try youtube to find it, can be a good opening for black.
  • During opening dont move peaces twice (unless Scandinavian).
  • When you play white try to be an agressor attack
  • When your black defend, wait till your time arives.
  • Want to learn a real chess opening ? top 10 openings you can learn


  • For both players try to keep initiative try to lead the game.
  • Now the importance of field positions (the squares) stay, in general a knight is stronger there then it is around the corners of the field.
  • One of the things (after castling) you can do is connect your rooks, let there be no peaces in between your rooks and have them defend each-other, or it least have your position so that you could make it like that quickly. Typical they defend so in horizontal the first row of your board, the queen can be there too as it would only add to defense.
  • You may move your queen but not to much so you risk loosing it early.
  • the central 4 columns of the field become more important often (besides the squares i told earlier) quite often you will find a rook on it.
  • If there is an empty column with no peaces, and you can put your rook in it, to claim that space its often a good idea.

midgame - endgame

  • During these phases you often loose knights or bishops
    Beginners often wonder which of the two is stronger.
    There are multiple answers here.
    My personal idea on this topic, makes this my best tip
    • The knight is great to create havoc on the board, to surprise your opponent
    • The bishop is more easily to move and get somewhere   its easier to plan for yourself, but only on black or white   if most of your opponents pawn are on white, a white bishop isn't handy, think also about what bishop your opponent needs to attack you, you might exchange a knight for it.
  • In general having a bishop in your endgame makes it easier for yourself.
  • See the knight as a surprise player, think their moves at least 2 moves ahead (or more)
  • Understand what forking is, and how you can take it to your advantage, mostly people win games because they fork.
  • Have your peaces connected, great games most often show that all major peaces are good connected, so there is for example a knight defended by bishop who are defended by rooks while the knight also defends queen who defended the rooks, etc.. such connections make them stronger.
  • Understand En Passant its a strange pawn move often overlooked. People often overlook it sometimes thinking 2 pawns on a column is wrong, but this move can be a surprise and so not something your opponent had planned.
  • Often chess is a game where you need to count by how much peaces your peaces are defended against his/her peaces
    So that knight is defended by a pawn and your queen, and also a bishop, the best defend count will be a winner when peaces start to get played against each..
  • value of peaces what to exchange for what..
    the answer is simple however i think you better read it here
    (and remind i just told you bishops are often slightly better..)

End game

  • Besides some special board situations that you can learn the goal is winning, i hope previous tips got you into an advantage now you have perhaps more stronger peaces left and might win.

I collected those advices based on people i have played, some of the real life chess games that had been great discusions for the evening.
And i know there are more tips* on tactics, if you have ideas to share just reply to this post, i will try to update it

*notice for the audiance : the starting player who need some tips.