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Imagine the perfect couple. The couple that love eachother. Deeply, sincerely, truly.
They fit so well together and are so happy with eachother that it's almost too good to be true.

This is the couple of Sylvia and Michael. They were together for years. And everybody around them envied their 100% perfect relationship, which went on to marriage.

They wanted two children.
And so it happened that Sylvia got pregnant.

Their daughter, Peggy.
Then their son, Wouter.

Wouter was born too early, and he was too tiny.
But he managed to remain alive.

Which means that the perfect family was complete.
Mother, father, daughter, son.

It was too good to be true...


Sylvia had just laid little Wouter to bed. "Sleep well," she whispered in his ear with her warm, soothing voice.

He went to sleep.
She went downstairs.
Michael could be home any time.

They were happy.
Perfectly happy.
Could this bliss ever stop?

That same night, Sylvia went upstairs.
She walked to the baby's room.
The soft tick-tick-tick of her heels...

...but Wouter shan't hear it.

Wouter has been laid to rest.
Wouter has fallen asleep.


...only five months...


Imagine a white auditorium
Stacked with mourners
Over a tiny white coffin
In the middle

The heart-breakingly
Biting opening melody
Of that song
I shall now destroy for you

Once and for all...

If I could find words
To tell you I'm sorry