WillForkU's Best or Worst game of the Week

WillForkU's Best or Worst game of the Week

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Hello chess fans well I promised a report on how I did in last weekends USCF tournament here in Fresno California. Since this was my first USCF tournament, I played as an unrated player in the under 1200 section. Don't laugh their were a lot of very tough opponents in this section. I managed to win 3 out of 5 rounds, or 3 points. Thats gives me a whopping rating of 1113. But, thats not really what I want to talk about, it was the age of my opponents that was unnerving and surprising. The two losses that I had came against kids. Go figure. My first loss was one I should have won, (famous last words) it was a sacrafice that was dubious at best, but I was up a piece and gave it back for an attack that back fired. My second loss was against a 7 year old, omg!!  If there is any consolation it was against a kid that won the Cal State championship for juniors at age five. Truth be told I not consoled. I had a really great time and I know those kids will be Masters and Grandmasters one day. Well if I'm around I can say they beat me!! lol. I had a lot of fun, although that last round I was really tired, thats my story and I'm sticking to it. John, aka WillForkU