The Four Knights Game

The Four Knights Game

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Hello, hello, my friend. 

Today, we shall learn another opening and that shall be called the Four Knights game. This article will be nothing extensive, so I do apologize. Rather this brief article will show, I hope, you how to open with the Four Knights position and what the various moves can be.

Below is the Four Knights opening.

Now, when we observe this position, we can notice several details:

1) The E pawn (on both sides) is under heavy pressure.

2) Both sides are playing symetrical.

3) Both sides are using the opportunity to develop pieces.

The question we all want to know, however, is when should I use this opening, right? If you want develop your pieces quickely, yet play passively, you should use this opening. This does not mean black does not have the means to be on the offensive as shown on the diagram below:

The begs the question, "What can white do about the knight on the D file?" I hope to answer this later but for now, I am just hoping to show you various openings.