
One look and a game

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A National Geographic documentary states that the brain is malleable, and studies of Susan Polgar’s brain scan show that she uses the same brain area to recognize positions on a board and to remember people faces. If this is the norm and not the exception, when someone says he loves chess, he’s not exaggerating, in his mind both are in the same corner, unforgettable smile or dream move, and come together in a very close space-time location.

Chess is more than a war game, the symbolism of its figures is subtle and profound. Indeed six different types of embodied parts, only half; towers (Rooks), knights and pawns are warriors in the strict sense, the remaining three,  bishops, king and queen, play the role of politics, negotiation and seduction. Kasparov already spoke about playing styles that reflect the historical moment, the romance of the age of chivalry, the rise of the citizen during the French Revolution, the struggle of trenches and positions and then the long-distance war of the twentieth century, ending in low intensity conflicts of  today, where mankind can’t use all their weapons in a final battle.


 And right in this time of history I met my beloved and enigmatic queen face, I can say it this way, because that is what my mind perceives, this is the time when humanity must be sensitive to their achievements and make a quiet move, we have to control the forces unleashed and stop worshipping technology, if we don’t want to destroy our chess Mona Lisa forever.