
QGD Chigorin Defense, Chess, aging, improvement

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I am a better speaker than typer, and the bulk of the content here is on video. It lasts nearly an hour and features two games with this solid, sound, and much neglected defense to 1. d4. I have a lot of experience with it, primarily in top level master class correspondence chess in ICCF dating back to the 1980's and 1990's. Postal chess, or online or turn-based chess is a perfect way to learn all facets of the game because you are studying these areas when it counts, during the game, and it's all legal. Being able to move the pieces around when analyzing is an asset, it helps you play more precisely than you would in a real OTB game; provided you take your time. Sadly, most players today treat online/turn-based chess as a substitute for OTB play and rattle off maybe 25 moves in a day, thus failing to gain the benefits that postal chess play can bring you.


What's also great about postal chess is you can set a board up when you receive a move, and think about what you would do in an OTB game. Then you can test your choices with more thorough analysis. I take postal chess very seriously, always did. Looking at your gams whe it isn't your move really helps. In the bygone days of postcards for move transmission, this was a must as you might go several days without receiving a new move in the mail. Finally, after about 14 years of intense devotion to postal chess, I ceased to play it. I essentially burned out on it. However, my work in postal chess tought me a lot about the game, and my positional understanding of chess is proof of this. My videos I produce back my statements up, and I'm now here to share with the world my knowledge and love for the game so that multitudes will improve their play as well.



I have a group here at which is currently the 17th largest after just one year. My videos are available there, as well as countless other activites. We have plenty of team matches going. Usually, we get outranked, but as my program suggests, you learn from playing stronger players. We have an assortment of titled players who give simultaneouses when they have time, and I'm always looking for more. I have more students there than i can handle, and it's all fair game on getting a student under your wing to guide them. We have  thread where members may submit their games, and other members may come in and help out. 


Feel free to join, link is here:


Ok, now on to my two recent games, played at LAX, Los Angeles, Califonia. I do discuss how age affects you in chess... My opponents were both near my age. I also recommend you track down and read IM Jeremy Silman's recent articles on chess and aging.


Direct link:


Here are the PGN's of the games on the video. However, the comments I give will certainly explain a lot of higher level planning a chess master employs while playing and watching the video will certainly help your play.