
Chess Rating vs. Chess Playing

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No tactics training, no chess playing, no chess studying... What does that equate to? Losing in 26 moves, not managing my time correctly, missing tactics, losing rating points. 

In this game I had the white pieces and it is games like these that make playing chess so frustrating because winning or losing can only come down to how well you play. My rating was 1592, his rating was 1384. On paper this looks like a clear win for me and when playing at my full potential it probably would be. Just another example that your rating is not nearly as important as the quality of your play.




My name is David Blackwelder. I started playing tournament chess at the age of 22. I have worked my way from the 1200s to a peak rating of 1843 (December 2021). Those are my United States Chess Federation (USCF) ratings. My short-term goal is to reach a rating of 2000 which will earn me the Expert title. My long-term goal is to get the National Master (NM) title at a rating of 2200. As an adult they say it is near impossible, well I don't believe that. Therefore I am creating blogs and videos to help other adult players improve their chess. Thanks for following me!