
First OTB game in over a decade

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Back when I wore short pants (College days) I played a handful of Chess games. Now to be honest I was never very good, didn't really get past the "Oh that's how the pieces move" and " I've lost then?" phase.

So this was a real thrill for me.

Last week I was traveling and discovered the "Fruit" Chess engine for my Windows Mobile phone. Let's just say for a noober like me Fruit is an animal. Heck it's like it has a shoulder mounted gun and heat seeking vision.



"Hmm, Fruit, is that you?"

Never one to quit completely I took whipping after whipping from Fruit. Then after being so completely humiliated I returned for my trip and put my Chess books away for a Saturday. Well as luck would have it my brother stopped by to borrow some tools and noticed the Chess board sitting out.

Before you know it the family competitive spirit came out and we were knee deep in a game. Sadly I didn't think to copy down the game as it went, but it was very challenging for me. It went back and forth until finally I checkmated him with a queen and rook. It was great fun and honestly much more enjoyable that my few games in College.

In hindsight getting blasted non-stop by Fruit was a useful experience, and this win, however small, let's me think that perhaps, just perhaps, one day I'll get Fruit at his own game. (However until then please don't hold your breath!)

