Common sense, Logic

Common sense, Logic

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As soon as I joined, like any real well-meaning competitor eager to meet new folks and developing friendships, I hit the boards straight away! Well as I'm sure anyone who has spent some time here regardless of how many opponents one wishes to play, there is and perhaps will always be 'downtime;' not so much but rather the players!


Furthermore, before becoming a member, I, like most people, had a browse of the site to see its F.A.B. or features, advantages, and benefits. I'd been playing a bit of Chess master (the computer game) and notwithstanding; it is a good learning tool for chess, yet it is a tool and it is a program that looks cool.


Well day after day of spending a lot of time here getting to meet some of the nicest and most genuine people on Earth, I too began venturing around the site deeper for information. And we've all got to face it; offers a lot of features. Just take a look at the nav-bar at the top of the screen. When one endeavors to click here or there then new sub menus come up and Viola! A whole new realm opens up!


In my experience thus far, I get my touché kicked around a bit by the puzzles and everything in the trainer—trains. The advantages at are getting really obvious now…a chess site, loaded with features and tons of advantages to grow, practice, or good ol' fashion fun.


However, it was reading Erik's feature in the 'News' section that took me over the top when in his article be begins to identify the benefits of a membership at compared to other hobbies. Talk about common sense! Erik's piece is a must read for anyone who enjoys chess, regardless of their income category or social position. It is just too darn logical to do otherwise.


So today, right now actually, I've decided to get me one of those stars by my name and get into more and more and more…


Having a bit of a problem with the above link? Go to 'News' in the middles of the page it says 'Editorials' click there, Erik's should be on top entitled "The Cost of Enjoying Chess."