Sundog's favorite quotes

Sundog's favorite quotes

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"The probablility of anything happening is inversely proportional to its desirability"---Gumperson's Law
Advise from a Bison...Stand your ground. Have a tough hide. Keep moving on. Cherish wide open spaces. Have a strong spirit. Roam wild and free. Let the chips fall where they may!---Ilan Shamir
"I don't want to be another wave in the ocean. I am a rock not just another grain of sand. I want to be the one you run to when you need a shoulder.  I ain't a soldier but I'm here to take a stand because we can."---Bon Jovi

"Never play leapfrog with a unicorn"...Anonymous
"When you make a mountain out of a molehill, you have to climb it."---Sue Sikking

"You can't base your life on other people's expecations."---Stevie Wonder

"Whether you think you can or think you can't-you are right."---Henry Ford

"If a problem has no solution, it may not be a problem, but a fact-not to be solved but to be coped with over time."---Shimon Peres

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail."---Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Characters tend to be either for or against the quest. If they assist it, they are idealized as simply gallant or pure; if they obstruct it, they are characterized as simply villainous or cowardly. Hence every typical character...tends to have his moral opposite confronting him, like black and white pieces in a chess game."---Anatomy of Criticism-Northrop Frye
Never ride a horse named Tripod---Anonymous
Never tell a zombie he looks like death warmed over---Anonymous

Cranky Old Man:

What do you see nurses? What do you see?


What are you thinking when you’re looking at me?
A cranky old man, not very wise,
Uncertain of habit, with faraway eyes?
Who dribbles his food and makes no reply.
When you say in a loud voice, ‘I do wish you’d try!’
Who seems not to notice the things that you do.
And forever is losing a sock or shoe?
Who, resisting or not, lets you do as you will,
With bathing and feeding, the long day to fill?
Is that what you’re thinking? Is that what you see?
Then open your eyes, nurse. You’re not looking at me.
I’ll tell you who I am as I sit here so still,
As I do at your bidding, as I eat at your will.
I’m a small child of ten, with a father and mother,
Brothers and sisters who love one another
A young boy of sixteen with wings on his feet
Dreaming that soon now a lover he’ll meet.
A groom soon at twenty my heart gives a leap.
Remembering, the vows that I promised to keep.
At twenty-five, now I have young of my own.
Who need me to guide and a secure happy home.
A man of thirty, my young now grown fast,
Bound to each other with ties that should last.
At forty, my young sons have grown and are gone,
But my woman is beside me to see I don’t mourn.
At fifty, once more, babies play ‘round my knee,
Again, we know children, my loved one and me.
Dark days are upon me. My wife is now dead.
I look at the future. I shudder with dread.
For my young are all rearing young of their own.
And I think of the years, and the love that I’ve known.
I’m now an old man and nature is cruel.
It’s jest to make old age look like a fool.
The body, it crumbles. Grace and vigour, depart.
There is now a stone where I once had a heart.
But inside this old carcass, A young man still dwells,
And now and again my battered heart swells.
I remember the joys, I remember the pain.
And I’m loving and living life over again.
I think of the years, all too few, gone too fast.
And accept the stark fact that nothing can last.
So open your eyes, people. Open and see.
Not a cranky old man.---Anonymous

I understand being in my 70' creeps up on a person fast...just a few months ago I felt like I was 24..then a few weeks ago I was I am in my 70's. I don't feel like it, but when I look in the mirror and this old man looks back, I wonder who he is...It is important we stop our lives and smell the flowers, take in the warmth of the sunshine, smile at children and realize we don't need to be jerks because we have pain...everyone has pain...cross the pond of life, but never step on anyones back to get to the other side---Pete


"Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn't know it so it goes on flying anyway."---Mary Kay Ash

"No one has yet realized the wealth of sympathy, kindness and generosity hidden in the soul of a child"---Emma Goldman"

I am honored to say we have a Great Grandson"---Pete

"I can't promise that I'll be here for the rest of your life...but I can promise that I'll love you for the rest of mine..."---Anonymous

"If there ever comes a day when we can't be together, keep me in your heart. I'll stay there forever."---A. A. Milne

"By amending our mistakes, we get wisdom. By defending our faults, we betray an unsound mind."---The Sutra of Hui Neng

"Be quick to do good. If you are slow, The mind, delighting in mischief, Will catch you."---Dhammapada 116

"Never part without loving words to think of during your absence. It may be that you will not meet again in ife."---Jean Paul Richt


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

 "You cannot make yourself feel something you do not feel, but you can make yourself do right in spite of your feelings."---Pearl Buck

 "Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go."---T.S.Eliot


"Have a heart that never hardens, and a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts."---Charles Dickens

"Leaves are verbs that conjugate the seasons."---Gretel Ehrlich

 "The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer someone else up."---Mark Twain


"Good humor is one of the best articles of dress one can wear in society."---William Makepeace Thackeray

 "Learn to see things as they really are, not as we imagine they are."---Vernon Howard

"The man who goes alone can start today; but he who travels with another must wait till the other is ready."---Henry David Thoreau


"You can't do anything about the length of your life, but you can do something about its width and depth."---Shira Tehrani

"Nobody can do for little children what grandparents do. Grandparents sort of sprinkle stardust over the lives of little children."---Alex Hayley

"Life has no rehearsals,only performances."---Anonymous


"Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching."---Satchel Paige

"It's a great satisfaction knowing that for a brief point in time you made a difference."---Irene Natividad

"One joy scatters a hundred griefs."---Chinese proverb


"Never believe you've seen the last of anything."---Eudora Welty

"We always weaken everything we exaggerate."---La Harpe

 "Give us grace and strength to forbear and persevere."---Robert Louis Stevenson


"Assertiveness is not what you do, it's who you are!"---Cal Le Mon

"Life offers us tickets to places which we have not knowingly asked for."---Maya Angelou

"Kites rise highest against the wind-not with it."---Winston Churchill


"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that's why we call it the present."---Winnie the Pooh

 "The most I can do for my friend is simply to be his friend."---Henry David Thoreau

"Though miles may lie between us, we're never far apart, for friendship doesn't count the miles, it's measured by the heart."---Unknown


 “Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” ― A.A. Milne