
Gary Kaspalov is now in Tokyo, Japan to play a special chess match with the shogi legend.

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Garry Kasparov is in Tokyo, Japan now. Reportedly this is his first visit to the country and the reason why he came here is to make a pawn toss to determin which player to play firest in the coming team match called Denou-sen Final which is a 5 vs 5 team match between human and machine in Shogi to be held in the next spring. And soon today, he will play two chess games with Shogi Meijin Habu. Here are some tweets Garry posted recently.

WSJ Japan note + link to live video of my rapid match with Habu tomorrow. More on my furigoma on my Facebook!

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These shogi programmers were inspired by Deep Blue! RT : In Japan, you're known as "the Habu of chess" so they understand, right?

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Chess isn't really popular here in Japan (yet!), but shogi has a huge following. This event coverage is amazing!

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I know the basics but no, I'm not ready for dual match of chess & shogi! Habu is also a strong chessplayer; 2500 in some positions I'd say.

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Yes, I'm in Japan! Going to play two games of rapid chess against Shogi legend Yoshiharu Habu tomorrow as part of annual Denou-sen event.

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The Tokyo audience laughed when I said shogi legend (& chess FIDE master) Habu plays more chess than I do these days!

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Practicing solving shogi puzzles in September. I don't have to play here but I like to be prepared. Habu is safe!

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Human plays SENTE(White in chess) at the 1st game.

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Here was the result of my first shogi furigoma. Was it a good one for the humans?!

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