Help Design the Next!

Help Design the Next!

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We are hard at work on the next version of and we want your help!

We have designed a brilliant new platform for web, tablet, and mobile, which is easily customized with beautiful new themes! Check out some of our Themes here

We are holding a "Theme" contest! Here are the rules:

  1. Download our default theme files…
  2. Replace the background, board, and pieces in any way you want! 
  3. Post your submission in the comments of this blog…
  4. We will choose 10 finalists for the community to vote on!
  5. We will award prizes:

    1st place - 1 year diamond membership and huge pleasure of seeing your theme on

    2nd place - 3 months diamond membership and perhaps seeing your theme on

    3rd place - 1 month diamond membership and perhaps seeing your theme on

So, download our samples and create something awesome! We will allow submission through May 30th. Good luck!


This contest has ended! Congrats to the winners!...

Mastergas (for sheer volume and out-of-the-box thinking!)

James1verse5 (for some real artwork)

skid_marq (for the kernel of the idea of a retro 8-bit theme)