
Help!!! Needed!!!


In spite of my bad moves..which I know is technically bad I managed to  win this game...

I want all the seniors to tell me what were my blunders and what instead had to be my moves

All humble thanks in a bundle masters for the reply...

please please mentor me!!!! 


It wasn't you who blundered a lot. It was your oponent. I mean, move 20 and 23 were... terrible. Were you playing against a chicken or something? I mean, no insult to him, but that was terrible!


3... d6 Try to avoid Philidor defense which is bit passive because of blocking the dark square bishop by d6.

7....Ne5. Unecessary move. U have moved the same piece twice!! which violates the opening principle move a piece once unless untill have a good reason.

8.....c5 Positional mistake u have helped the white have a strong outpost on d5. White has strong control on that square with his pawn and two pieces if a piece sits down u cannot kick that with ur pawn.

10.... Bd6 a slight positional mistake!! u placed the bishop in a square where it doesnt have activity and it defends a pawn. A bishop can handle more important jobs than defending a pawn in awakward position.

13.....Rd8 Defensive move!!! Already u have material advantage u should have exchanged the pieces with damaging the structure of the whites king side.

14....Nxd5???? Tactical mistake just try to solve it. He is losing his Bishop :)

18....Ke7 U should have exchanged the rooks u are already two pieces up!!!.

Unleash_the_Queens wrote:

It wasn't you who blundered a lot. It was your oponent. I mean, move 20 and 23 were... terrible. Were you playing against a chicken or something? I mean, no insult to him, but that was terrible!

Thanks a lot!!!! but I think i need to make far more changes in my game!!! feeling blessed..

guru200773 wrote:

3... d6 Try to avoid Philidor defense which is bit passive because of blocking the dark square bishop by d6.

7....Ne5. Unecessary move. U have moved the same piece twice!! which violates the opening principle move a piece once unless untill have a good reason.

8.....c5 Positional mistake u have helped the white have a strong outpost on d5. White has strong control on that square with his pawn and two pieces if a piece sits down u cannot kick that with ur pawn.

10.... Bd6 a slight positional mistake!! u placed the bishop in a square where it doesnt have activity and it defends a pawn. A bishop can handle more important jobs than defending a pawn in awakward position.

13.....Rd8 Defensive move!!! Already u have material advantage u should have exchanged the pieces with damaging the structure of the whites king side.

14....Nxd5???? Tactical mistake just try to solve it. He is losing his Bishop :)

18....Ke7 U should have exchanged the rooks u are already two pieces up!!!.

Thanks. I accept your reasaoning of d6  but...I want you to draw your attention to:

If d6? then what could be done there Bd6 or f3...


Yes, I accept move 7 Ne7 was just rubbish....what should have been done there????

Move 10 was also a mistake...later then I had to think much more about that....thanks for the suggestion

Huge thanks to guru.....wishing many more positive responses from you guys all over here...the best plcce for chess in the