
Is it even worth it?


As another post just stated, I'm a beginner, very comfortable with e4's and starting to love the English as well. But I'm tempted to enter the dark side...torre/tromp/London/colle-z. Could anyone maybe explain when one would play this, when one play that. im looking for something that is system like. Yeah I know I know but I play e4 straight without systems dealing with c5,e5,c6,g6,e6. So my logic was play e4 " openings" and have a system or two in my pocket to change things up. My first is the c4 botvinnik and now I'm looking for a d4 system to add. My even 2? One for ....d5 and one for ...nf6. Come on guys how's your chance to sell me something. I love the botvinnik so if a London or c-z felt like that let me know? But what's catching my eye is the tromp/pseudo tromp. Is that system like??


You say you're very comfortable with e4 openings; I've had a look at several of your games and you make too many opening mistakes to be able to say that. Perhaps you haven't noticed because your opponents seem to make just as many opening mistakes as you do. Against stronger opponents you'd struggle to get a comfortable position out of the opening.

I suggest you start with the basic principles:

After that I'd stay with 1.e4 for a while until you become more comfortable developing your pieces.

Once you get better at applying the basic principles you can start playing other openings. You could play a few games in each of the openings you mentioned. Experience different openings and positions for yourself. As long as you get your pieces out and have a playable middlegame it doesn't matter too much what openings you play. Play any opening you like, just don't waste your time studying openings. If you want to grow as a chess player there are more productive ways to invest your time.


Problem is, playing the Botvinnik lines of the English is not automatic.  If Black plays, in essence, a "Reversed Closed Sicilian", as in 1.c4 e5 2.g3 Nc6 3.Nc3 (3.Bg2 is an error because after 3...f5! 4.Nc3 Nf6, White has ZILCH) 3...g6 4.Bg2 Bg7, here 5.e4 is actually good!


However, after say, 1.c4 c5 2.g3 g6 3.Bg2 Bg7 4.Nc3 Nc6 5.e4, White has nothing because the Bishop on g7 isn't blocked by his own pawn.


Same thing goes for d4 "systems".


The Torre is no good against early ...d5 lines, like 1.d4 d5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.Bg5?! Ne4!

The London is no good against the Modern:  1.d4 g6 2.Nf3 Bg7 3.Bf4? d6 4.e3 Nc6 5.h3 e5! 6.dxe5 dxe5 7.Qxd8+ Kxd8 and White's Bishop is stuck out of play for ever!

The Colle is no good against fianchetto defenses, like 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 g6 3.e3?!

The Veresov can't be played against the Modern (1...g6) or Benoni (1...c5 or 1...Nf6 and 2...c5)

The Trompowsky type lines are only useful against 1...Nf6 or 1...f5.  1.d4 d5 2.Bg5 f6! with a slight advantage to Black with correct play.


So don't start expecting a playable system against "everything".

Whip_Kitten wrote:

For instance, in this game, after the opening your opponent castled into an unprotected kingside, and you weren't able to convert that weakness into a win.  The buzzword is to focus on tactics over openings.

That game's a great illustration of that point. You missed chances to win a pawn, missed a couple of opportunities to recapture his knight, hung your queen and allowed a possible mate in 1. 6.Nxe5 could also have been an interesting piece sacrifice. Every game needs an opening but tactics will usually decide the result.

Guys I want to say thankyou for the constructive critisism. I really appreciate it. You guys are 100% right. It's like openings are an addiction that's only stunt my growth. Really tho, thanks for taking time to give me a good smack and pointing me back on track. I'm not trying to defend myself it's just tough cause I only played the CPU for months and grew accustomed to actual defenses than played humans online and they throw out pieces any which way, which was frustrating at first but now it's good cause I can learn/spend more time on battles and not openings. GUYS THANKYOU!! Ps.. Could anyone explain how to post a game of mine in the forum so I can get generous players like you to examine it and I can learn more? I would love that!!
ZedsDead87 wrote:
 Ps.. Could anyone explain how to post a game of mine in the forum so I can get generous players like you to examine it and I can learn more? I would love that!!

Me too would love an explanation of that.


Easy does it. Whenever you start a new comment, there's an upper bar right above where you type that first line. 

On the left of that bar, you see a mini chess-board. Just click it. 

After that, a new window opens, which takes you through the steps of inserting a game, a position or a puzzle of your choice. 

Good luck!


My experience has been that people play that stuff when they're afraid of losing to someone booked up on the main line Ruy/QGD etc...

Do not fear some chess player.


Thank you, solkytz. Just testing:

Wasn't successful.


I'm gonna try more tomorrow.


It wasn't successful because on the first screen he's asking you whether you're posting a diagram, a puzzle or a game. You chose a diagram. 

Either that, or you actually chose a game (of Chess 960, I take it) but didn't paste a pgn or insert moves and commentary. 



ZedsDead87 wrote:

As another post just stated, I'm a beginner, very comfortable with e4's and starting to love the English as well. But I'm tempted to enter the dark side...torre/tromp/London/colle-z. Could anyone maybe explain when one would play this, when one play that. im looking for something that is system like. Yeah I know I know but I play e4 straight without systems dealing with c5,e5,c6,g6,e6. So my logic was play e4 " openings" and have a system or two in my pocket to change things up. My first is the c4 botvinnik and now I'm looking for a d4 system to add. My even 2? One for ....d5 and one for ...nf6. Come on guys how's your chance to sell me something. I love the botvinnik so if a London or c-z felt like that let me know? But what's catching my eye is the tromp/pseudo tromp. Is that system like??

After reviewing some of your games i have noticed the following:

1.  Youre not comfortable playing e4 openings - you dont know how to play e4 openings.

2.  You make typical beginner mistakes - drop pieces, miss simple tactics.

3.  No idea how to deveop your pieces.

What you need to learn is the opening principles:

1.  Control the center

2.  Develop towards the center

3.  Castle

4.  Connect your rooks


I play e4 as well but every so often I think about taking up the colle, but then I snap out of it. I think it is a seasonal affective disorder


what in the he11      are you talkin abowt?


Haven't got it right yet. But thank you guys!


My reprotoire is Queen's gambit