
KIA against French


Hey, I'm wondering why the KIA isn't played more against the French. I myself don't play it but when I did play the French, it was pretty annoying for me, but I thought it was just me..apparently not. I looked on the 365chess database this morning, and white's results are unbelievable with it. Especially in the lines with 3.Qe2, where white scores in the 50 percents in the main lines. That's crazy. It seems white has a much better score in the KIA in pretty much every variation than in the d4 mainlines. Is there any reason that people don't play it as much if it scores so well?


hi man


I play the French Defense and it seems the most played by white is the exchange variation. Of course I'm only rated 1500 on a good day. I think people play what they like stylistically as opposed to scoring statistics, at least at this level. I know I do. But as a french player I'm less annoyed by the KIA than by the exchange variation which ends up playing like a queens gambit but with limited options. I used to be afraid of the Exchange but everyone plays it so often, I'm getting use to it. I've seen variations of the KIA where black advances all the queen side pawns and gets a big space advantage. Also it's kind of a hair trigger opening so maybe lower rated players aren't comfortable with that.


There's an easy solution though as in 1.e4 e6 2.d3 c5.


It's supposed to be equal but any database will tell you that it's still popular even among titled players.


White scores over 50 percent in the mainline, what gives?