
kings gambit help


well i dont really know how to play against the kings gambit. i am thinking of learning the falkbeer counter gambit, this is the fail i play right know


Even if you want to play 3...Qh4.. (Which I consider inferior to 3...Nf6 for black,'

Never follow up with 3..Bc5 losing a tempo and you greatly helped white (Yes, it does threaten checkmate, but your opponents are not idiots and with d4 they're just completely dominating.

I play the KG myself, but for black, I think Falkbeer and accepted line are both good. The declined lines just get weird. 

If the Knight's Gambit was played, try Fischer's defense, and if the Bishop's gambit was played, just play 3...Nf6. I never play 3...Qh4+ because that's giving white a tempo and not being able to castle in this position is far from a problem.

These are my suggestions, but I would definitely hate to see the Falkbeer Counter when I am playing the KG