



As you may know, I'm working on expanding my opening repertoire.  As part of the consideration, I'd like to know what my opponent least wants to play against.  BWAHAHAHAHA!!!

What opening do you least like to play against, and why?

As black I don't much care, I will happily reply g6 to anything. As white I generally play 1. Nf3. The reply that causes me the most trouble is d6. I hope that is as unhelpful as it looks!

I don't like to face the English, because it is a viable option I do not see that much.  I just play very drawish continuations against it. 

Latvian Gambit
Sagunto Gambit.
I'm with KillaBeez.  I dread the English.

Sagunto Gambit.what is it?

I dont like the danish gambit e4 e5 d4 exd4 c3

they traxler variatiion of the two knights

and any thing i play as that colour.

KillaBeez wrote:

I don't like to face the English, because it is a viable option I do not see that much.  I just play very drawish continuations against it. 

 I think this is a common problem for Black but there are some good active lines available for Black that might make it less drawish. 

The one opening i dont like to play against is the Tal Gambit declined. 1.e4 c5 2.f4 d5 3.e5!? The reason for not liking to face it is not because it is a surprise or that White gets an advantage from the opening, its just that im more prepared in the accepted lines but nobody seems to want to venture into them with me. Similar to KillaBeez on the English, i think in the Tal Gambit declined White can try and try his best to get a drawish position if he wishes. Just something i wouldnt like to play in competition against someone lower rated than me or if i needed a full point without having a long drawn out game, thats provided they can play pretty decent chess too of course.

IDK I mean i i i IDK
i win vs everything not lol

I hate playing against the Grob as black... it throws me way off.  I also hate playing against the Kings Gambit (which is the main reason why I use it!).


As white I dislike playing against the Scandinavian... not because it scares me at all ... but because it feels so drawish... it's too simple.  I hate simple when I'm white.


Hope this helps :).


Terrorist attack e4 e5 qh5


I hate playing against the Nimzo-Indian Defense 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4
I dislike the sicilian.
I hate the Ruy Lopez, Giuoco Piano, French Defense and Caro-Kann.

cant play as black against anything d4, also dont like the birds opening, but for me the english is fine:), as white i dislike the caro-kann and the french, also, it makes me irritated when people try to play yhe fool's mate against me...its so IRRITATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Fischer played c4 alot so i would say f4, the dreaded bird opening :((
KingLeopold wrote: I hate playing against the Nimzo-Indian Defense 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4

The avoid the nimzo with d4,nf6,c4,e6,nf3!,b6(the queens indian) My favoirite move being 4. a3 allowning Nc3 with out the pin.

And does anyone know what the sagunto gambit is?


French exchange... I don't play the french simply because of it. Its not that I get beat by it, on the contrary, I do very well against it, Its just that its so boring! I'm about a 1600-1700 blitz player online and I SWEAR, against the french thats the only thing opponents around my level know how to play. I shrill in horror to see 2. Nf3 against my french, as my opponents almost always impulsively take on d5 the next move. 

I hate it... with a passion. Go sicilian defense. 

Yeah, French is a very interesting opening, but White's ability to go down that drawish line is annoying. Then again, most time I play French as black, my opponents use the Advance Variation.