
non-drawish response to ruy lopez exchange?


I'm looking for non-drawing responses to ruy lopez exchange

is there a non-drawish variation in the exchange?


After 5.0-0 Bg4 6.h3  have had a few opponents play 6...Bh5 black seems to get reasonable play for pawn after 7g4 etc. In a game in New In Chess from 2011, saw a game with young swedish player Hammer playing it. So might be more sound than used to think.

TwoMove wrote:

After 5.0-0 Bg4 6.h3  have had a few opponents play 6...Bh5 black seems to get reasonable play for pawn after 7g4 etc. In a game in New In Chess from 2011, saw a game with young swedish player Hammer playing it. So might be more sound than used to think.

I second that, and I had good expreriences with this line. But unfortunately white can play 7.d3 and continue to bore black to death.

pfren's suggestion 5...Qf6 seems most reasonable to me.

jempty_method wrote:

On 5...Qd6 I like 6. d4 -- if queens come off, White's a tempo up.  Maybe it doesn't amount to anything but I would try it, literally "on principle"

if queens come off then black is better because he has the bishop pair in open position


The Ruy Lopez is the most drawish opening in chess, if you don't want to draw, and want to win, play the Parham.


Gavinator- Not true.  I would say that the petrov lines are more drawish, as are the slav lines, as shown in the recent world championship match.  Though I obviously have to concede that the Berlin Defense is perhaps as dry as it gets, there are other options for both sides.  The exchange Spanish where white castles can lead to some interesting play.  Also the Cordel defense and Marshall Attack lead to dynamic play.


Ok, maybe not the MOST drawish, but it's one of the most. It's much more drawish then an Italian or Parham.


No body is allowed to reply to Gavinator or whatupyodog on this thread!!

also 5.0-0 f6 6.d4 Bg4 seems interesting. I'll look into it. thanks


Why am I not allowed to have an opinion?


I don't understand how the spanish exchange is drawish at all, black has his pawn structure damaged in return for the bishop pair, this doesn't sound boring sounds like a static vs dynamic imbalance where both sides are trying to push their agendas.  (yes i know i sound like Silman but after all I am reading his 4th edition of Reassess your Chess)

Sungolian wrote:
whatupyodog2-5 wrote:

If you want something non-drawish play the parham and win in 20 moves.

You can't play Parham as black though.

To the OP,

Ruy Lopez exchange is winning for white, so I don't see how it's "drawish". Black has a crippled Q-side pawn structure, while white maintains a healthy 4-3 majority on the K-side. White will gradually trade off all the pieces, create a passed pawn on the K-side and win in the endgame. Black cannot force the creation of a passed pawn on the Q-side because his c-pawns are doubled.

You make it sound so easy, i have found it very difficult personally to contain black's bishops.  If the spanish exchange was winning I doubt we would ever see nc6 played as black again.


If you're looking for a dynamic response to 5.0-0, 5...Ne7 leads to double-edged positions that you will probably understand better than White (if you've studied the line!). It is discussed (as a backup line) in the excellent Ruy Lopez: A Guide For Black by Johnsen and Johannesen.

Sungolian wrote:
2200ismygoal wrote:
Sungolian wrote:
whatupyodog2-5 wrote:

If you want something non-drawish play the parham and win in 20 moves.

You can't play Parham as black though.

To the OP,

Ruy Lopez exchange is winning for white, so I don't see how it's "drawish". Black has a crippled Q-side pawn structure, while white maintains a healthy 4-3 majority on the K-side. White will gradually trade off all the pieces, create a passed pawn on the K-side and win in the endgame. Black cannot force the creation of a passed pawn on the Q-side because his c-pawns are doubled.

You make it sound so easy, i have found it very difficult personally to contain black's bishops.  If the spanish exchange was winning I doubt we would ever see nc6 played as black again.

I'm not saying it's easy. But in theory, if white makes no mistakes (of course we are all human so we make mistakes) the position should be winning for white. But as you said, there are so many ways to mess it up.

Also, if RL exchange is winning, why wouldn't black ever play Nc6? There are plenty of other responses besides a6 after white plays Bb5.

The argument of in theory never works, you say that if white were to make no mistakes than in theory it should be winning?  How can you even make that argument how do you know that blacks bishops in a opening position don't give him the forced win?


Don't worry about "drawish" positions. Just learn the ideas well and play it to the bitter end. If it's a draw, it's a draw. If you really need a good response against lower-rated players so they can't get easy draws against you, learn the Sicilian.