
Open good bye letter for the spirit of d4


dear jetfigher, check out the lines I just posted, I refuted everything thrown at it Wink


Dear d4, please look at my board on page 14 of the Queenside Fried Liver post. It will help revive the aggressiveness in you that many people have forgotten about so long ago.


Dear player:

I have reversed myself while you weren't looking! Just move your knight and promote the pawn.

-The chessboard


Dear White Queen,

Climb aboard and we'll own together!

-The White Knight


Dear 1.a3

This message is imparted with the unanimous endorsement of the undersigned, with the utmost contempt for your demeanor;

"You, Sir, are shamefully smug."


The Black Pieces


dear d4, you are very welcome. With so many people abandoning you, I felt as if I must take you under my wing.


Dear f4,

Just don't tell your right-hand man to come with you and everything's fine.



d4 I have, so many people refuse to play you because of their fear of closed games, as in the queen's gambit and indian defences. However, the queenside fried liver (now renamed the waite-harrison attack) gives you hope! One can play an open and aggressive games, just like your counterpart on e4!


d4, I agree! This will soon be played by people of all levels! The beauty of this d4, where you shine above your inferior cousin, is the fact that you don't have to play against the powerful sicilian, it's counterpart for you, the dutch, is much weaker, and you can easily fight against it!


You failed to throw anything against my line which adds to whites center control if Black accepts the gambit so you have't done, anything


jetfighter, I don't want to be rude, but you don't listen to reason. Your gambit is based of off awful play by white, I disproved it many times already, but you still fail to listen to reaosn!

The_Gavinator wrote:

jetfighter, I don't want to be rude, but you don't listen to reason. Your gambit is based of off awful play by white, I disproved it many times already, but you still fail to listen to reaosn!

no specific lines, no major positional errors, no real issue with development, infact it promotes development and the ability to quickly castle, hardly refuted to me, hmm anyone smell Patzer in here. also interestingly that word essentialy means noob in German, where as Panzer means Tiger...


jetfighter. move 5 e4 is a bad move for white. I would never have played that move, therefore your little "gambit" would have never happened. 5 e4 hangs a pawn, though in your example black is still too bad to take the hanging pawn, and dominate the center!


no the reason Black doesn't Accept is because white gets a lead in development after f3 exf3 Nxf3 g6 Bc4 Bg7 0-0


jetfighter, that's not the point. move 5, e4 HANGS A PAWN. A DECENT PLAYER DOESNT OPENLY HANG CENTER PAWNS IN THE 5TH MOVE!!!!!!!! I can't think of how to convey this more clearly.


Ya'll are really off topic.

The_Gavinator wrote:

jetfighter, that's not the point. move 5, e4 HANGS A PAWN. A DECENT PLAYER DOESNT OPENLY HANG CENTER PAWNS IN THE 5TH MOVE!!!!!!!! I can't think of how to convey this more clearly.

I will take a better developed, safer, and more active position for the cost of a pawn, and so would many players, even a center one, because by the endgame, Rook and Knight pawns become more important


i'm sorry, jetfighter is just a troll, i need to learn to deal with trolls better...


actualy I agree with Christian Soldier, so no more fighting here

jet and e4 and the KG