
Ponziani Opening

Thaddeus_Samson wrote:

 10. Bg5 is correct for White


mr taylor check this out <iframe border="0" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" width="574" height="498" src=""></iframe>


One GM here in Latvia plays the Ponziani some times :)


I believe the ponziani is very dinamic and fun. Easy to play and also you get out of the "preparation against preparation" game soon.

Is there any way to get to the poniziani that doesn't get into the petroff or the phillidor defences?

RoseQueen1985 wrote:
The poniziani is a gimmick opening with nothing serious to worry about for the well prepared black player. Kinda like the London.



Or maybe you know something that 2700+ GM's don't?



Hi David,

I bought your book and played Ponziani a couple of times with good results. As a surprise weapon, it works quite well. Against well prepared, over 1700 rating I have my doubts, though.

Today i am more of a fan of Scotch gambit, which gives you a more aggresive attack in exchange of a pawn. I would play the Ponziani again- maybe even a Ponziani tournament here , is a good idea


Arctor I wish i knew more about paint programs your movie poster is great! 

Mr_Gibss wrote:


I played an interesting game against Ponziani a couple of days ago:

 nice game. i love interesting positions


Those those who think playing c3 early is bad--here is an over the board game I played in a US Open Tournament vs a grandmaster:  1. e4  e5  2. d4  exd4 3. c3 dxc3 4. Bc4  cxb2  and I went on to win...


Dave Taylor


The Ponziani was named for Charles Ponzi, who advocated it in his book "USE THE PONZIANI AND YOU'LL BE RICH". It was originally a scam, but in his book he used a chess metaphor. 

"This scam," he writes,"Will only work on the really stupid. Such as the morons who play 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.c3 in chess."

Somehow, the name caught on. 



On a more serious note, 3... f5!? is a nice gambit which, I believe, gives Black chances to equalize.

helltank wrote:

The Ponziani was named for Charles Ponzi, who advocated it in his book "USE THE PONZIANI AND YOU'LL BE RICH". It was originally a scam, but in his book he used a chess metaphor. 

"This scam," he writes,"Will only work on the really stupid. Such as the morons who play 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.c3 in chess."

Somehow, the name caught on. 



On a more serious note, 3... f5!? is a nice gambit which, I believe, gives Black chances to equalize.

 Regarding 3. ...f5  I believe this is almost a losing move if White plays 4. exf5 and follows up correctly. I have some new analysis on this line which is not in the book.  Dave Taylor


To answer a question: if Black plays 1. e4  e5  2. Nf3  Nc6  3. c3  f5

in my opinion, the best play for White is 4. exf5.  However in this particular line--White also has good chances with the more common 4. d4.

After 1. e4  e5  2. Nf3  Nc6  3. c3  d5  White must play  4. Qa4 and now

Black has several moves he can try.


After  1. e4  e5  2. Nf3  Nc6  3. c3  Nf6  White plays 4. d4 and now

Black usually replies  4. . .  exd4   or  4. ... Nxe4  or 4. ... d6

There is a new team  Ponziani Power and there are two match games going on now.

One game started  1. e4  e5  2. Nf3  Nc6  3. c3  d5  4. Qa4  Bd2

5. exd5 and the expected followup is  5. ... Nd4  6. Qd1  Nxf6+  7. Qxf6.


The other game is even more exciting and these are the moves so far:

 e4  e5  2. Nf3  Nc6  3. c3  Nf6Cool  4. d4  Nxe4  5. d5  Bc5

6. dxc6  Bxf2+  7. Ke2  bxc6  8. Qa4Cool


Here are the best lines for White in the Ponziani

1. e4  e5  2. Nf3  Nc6  3. c3  and now

3. ...d5  4. Qa4   or  3. ...Nf6  4. d4  or  3. ...f5  exf5

and many branches from there.

arctor, why not give some of the lines you think are good vs the Ponziani and your analysis.



After looking at last game--pls look at this



For those who wish to know more or learn more about the Ponziani Opening there is a fairly new chess group called Ponziani Power. I am a member of that group and we have 4 vote chess games going and other information.


Here is a game with 1. e4  e5  2. Nf3  Nc6  3. c3 f5


now a couple of speed chess games--I play very badly at speed chess and these two games were 15 minutes for each side which is way too fast for me and old correspondence player.
