
The Pincer Attack


This forum shall be a collection of games I play using the Pincer Attack opening. My opponents will range from low level players to high level players.

The purpose of why I made my forum is to collect my games, review them, learn from the mistakes I made, help others who might play similar lines, and hopefully improve. I hope you enjoy my games Lady's and Gentlemen. If you have any question, improvements, criticism, or comments on any of my games feel free to comment.

Pincer Attack can begin with any move orders; however, I recommend using the below 4 to keep open transposition opportunities.

  • 1.b3
  • 1.d3
  • 1.e3
  • 1.g3

Pincer Attack is more recognized by its pawn formation/structure than specific move orders. The opening moves in fact can be very flexible and can work in harmony with an individuals repertoire.

I would like to demonstrate the ending formation white is wanting to achieve in the Pincer Attack.

In Fact, The Pincer Attack has a similar line which is seen with the Black pieces known as the Hippo Defence. In this case this is the white sided version which is known as the Pincer Attack.

I will demonstrate what the ending position's should look like with the white side. I will not show the moves of the black sided player. I will only show the ending position of the white side so you can see the pawn formation/structure both the King Side and Queen Side Castling Position

King Side Castling

Queen Side Castling

The Pincer Attack is a some what passive approach;however, it has very good counter attacking chances.

It has the luxury of being very flexible with its opening. The Pincer Attack beginning move orders can work in harmony with other lines you play. In which case you have the chance to transpose into other lines you may play.

*Warning* Against aggressive players such as players who try to push their H pawn and hack attack you. It is not recommended to castle kingside and you can also try to tranpose out of the Pincer Attack into more favorable positions lines if they are being very aggressive.

The beauty of this line is you can play it against passive players very nicely. You also have the chance to tranpose into other lines which can be to your benefit if your opponent is playing to aggressively.

This line can be tranposed into the following lines:

Kings Indian Attack

Nimzo-Larsen Attack

English Opening

Queens Pawn Game lines which include and not limited to:

  • Queens Gambit
  • Colle

I like it, not a single piece beyond the 3rd rank Tongue Out.