
Trompowsky repertoire



I'm curious, for those who play the trompowsky after 1 ... Nf3, what do you play for other openings (like 1 ... d5, or 1 ... e6).


Depends on why you are playing the Tromp.  Is this the line you want?  Back when I played the Tromp, I wanted to play the Queen's Gambit not Indian defenses.  I would play 2. c4 against 1... d5.  Against 1.... e6 it depended on my mood, again, either 2.  c4 knowing either d5 or Nf6 would normally follow (but you must be ready for 1. d4 e6 2. c4 c5) or 2.  e4 and play a French (Franco-Benoni isn't really a problem -1. d4 e6 2. e4 c5). 

If the Tromp is what you like, as the Tromp rather than an avoidance line,  you can try 1. d4 d5 2.  Bg5... or 2. Nf3 ... looking for an early Bg5. 


Thanks, I was thinking of it as more of the main line I wanted to play.  The goal would be to minimize the ammount of opening theory.

Your suggestions of 1. d4 d5 2. Bg5 sounds good.   My limited experience is that 1. d4 d5 2 Nf3 opens the door for lot's of 2nd and 3rd move alternatives for Black, where maybe 1 d4 d5 2. Bg5 stays a bit in the realm of the trompowsky - although not sure if my reasoning makes much sense.



I've noticed that it's hard to find any books dealing with the move order 1 d4 d5 2 Bg5.  I assume that's still the case .?.
