Forums Disconnects & Adjourn Part 3 - Please give your opinion!


And!  I left out: if the person that disconnected does NOT resume when that opportunity arises (their opponent is available), THEN it is forfeit if they don't accept the "resume" option...  Also, it is forfeit if they don't  get a resume within X days (I think it was like 10 days?)....


On multiple occations, I have been disconnected by the the server durring Tournament games. A popup appears and states "disconnected...reconnecting". When it finally reconnects, I have been booted from the tournament with no way of re-entering. This is aggravating. Especially when victory is in sight. Any ideas to resolve this problem in the future?


yes's an old post ..but

Smilelike for adjournment option on slower time control...


Increase to 180secs to reconnect , I seem to be disconnecting a lot last 4 to 5 games all lost ... sorry 6 games lost because of this . 
Reconnected within 3mins to see the pop saying you lost


Are there any tip to check/sort this out ?