Forums Feature Request and Wishlist #5


Here's my wishlist:

  1. To be able to change my vote in vote chess. Not being able to do so punishes people for not seeing as far as their team mates, thereby depriving them of incentive to learn from them defeating the purpose of vote chess: cooperation.
  2. I just found out that I can't start new games if I haven't moved in my current games. I'm patient, I take my time to move, but I should still be allowed to start new games. This barrier should be removed.
  3. Chess960 options available even if its unrated.
  4. Tournaments with multiple themes/starting positions available to be assigned at random to each pair of games. It would be so cool to have a tournament where the game could start in any position.
Akuni wrote:
I just found out that I can't start new games if I haven't moved in my current games. I'm patient, I take my time to move, but I should still be allowed to start new games. This barrier should be removed.

I agree, that's lame!

Akuni wrote:
Chess960 options available even if its unrated. Tournaments with multiple themes/starting positions available to be assigned at random to each pair of games. It would be so cool to have a tournament where the game could start in any position.

Holy shoot, I was just going to say the exact same thing!  Though tournaments where every player had the exact same (random) position (generated at the very start of the tournament) would be super awesome also.

I support shuffle-chess options even if only for tournaments &/or unrated games at first.


When showing a players rating from a game they should show it BEFORE the change from the result of the game that was played. If I am a 1500 player and I beat a 1500 player--those are the ratings that should show in my history not 1516 beats 1484 


But if they went from 1516 to 1484 as a result of the game you just played with them then that's reflective of their level of play during the game.


BUT the rating of the game should show it at the time it was played --Not AFTER. The next game should show the rating of 1516 (and 1484)--no other chess site shows the players ratings after the result. So if two 1500 players play each other twice the ratings in the results should look like this

Game 1 1500-1500

Game 2 1516-1484


I'm sorry, I agree with what your saying ("...the rating of the game should show it at the time it was played..."), but I disagree with your interpretation of what that means.  The resulting ratings are a product of the game you played, so how can they not be considered to be reflective of the levels of play "at the time it was played"?


Erik , an open tournament for all players is a feature that I would most like to see from this site. I would like to see the restrictions dropped for entry on an open tournament for time of move, rating score,number of games played, even time-outs. Players new to the site would have an opportunity to learn the features for movements of the pieces as well as special components like Analysis Board while competitive participarting in a potentional World - wide Tournament .

Narz wrote:
Akuni wrote:
I just found out that I can't start new games if I haven't moved in my current games. I'm patient, I take my time to move, but I should still be allowed to start new games. This barrier should be removed.

I agree, that's lame!

Akuni wrote:
Chess960 options available even if its unrated. Tournaments with multiple themes/starting positions available to be assigned at random to each pair of games. It would be so cool to have a tournament where the game could start in any position.

Holy shoot, I was just going to say the exact same thing!  Though tournaments where every player had the exact same (random) position (generated at the very start of the tournament) would be super awesome also.

I support shuffle-chess options even if only for tournaments &/or unrated games at first.

No, I didn't mean everyone plays the same position, that can already be done, but every pair of players play a different position from a list of themes chosen by the TD. This means everyone plays a different random position twice, once as Black and once as White.


Yeah, I'm saying I think that's cool though I also think it would be interesting for everyone to play the exact same position (to see how different games would develop).  IMO both would be cool. Smile


I would greatly appreciate the ability to refer directly to the game explorer when playing online chess (correspondence-style).  Either a hyperlink from my game to the corresponding position in the game explorer or the ability to somehow paste FEN's into a game explorer search field would be a great help in learning openings.  My understanding is that use of the game explorer for online chess games isn't cheating.  I'm sure if I'm wrong I'll be corrected.  Thanks!


Also, chess960 would be fantastic!


This is the fifth edition, wow!

Bomasyel wrote:

I would greatly appreciate the ability to refer directly to the game explorer when playing online chess (correspondence-style).  Either a hyperlink from my game to the corresponding position in the game explorer or the ability to somehow paste FEN's into a game explorer search field would be a great help in learning openings.

I second this motion.


Pas encore!


Change the group alerts default so it doesn't start with every box ticked.  It just annoys people.


What do I need to do to fined my rating? I would like to play some turn. How Do I do that?


chessme, you need to play some games to get a rating. At the top of the page notice the "Play" link. If you hover your mouse over it you'll see the options to play "Live Chess" (blitz) or "Online Chess" (turn-based). Pick whichever sounds more fun. Tongue out


In the theme editor, three options don't show until after you click save changes.

I'd like to see this changed because it really confused me at first.

The options are:

Navigation Bar & Footer- Middle Background

Navigation Bar & Footer- Navigation Font Color

Panel Colors- Main Panel Title Color

If this could be changed it would save a lot of members new to theme editing confusion.

paul211 wrote:
thegab03 wrote:

Pas encore!

D'accord: pas encore, mais plutôt, plutard!

On s'entends sur ce point?

J'éspere, on verrai, plu tard à +!


In Live Chess / Private Chat... which I realize you're redoing, it would be nice to have some indication if the other person is typing as in Skype. I always worry that I will disconnect in the middle of someone typing a message.

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