
Groups, Teams, Clans, or Clubs?


We're getting closer to launching the play between "groups". But is "group" really the right word? Team is the right word. But what about teams that don't play chess - those are groups :(

So there is word confusion. We are taking our current "Groups" and giving them the ability to play one another. But what should that be called? Teams? Clans? Clubs? Or just leave it as groups? Or call them Teams & Groups, with the distinction being that they are exactly the same except that TEAMS play?

Ugh. This is almost as bad as trying to come up with a word for Turn-based Correspondence Asynchronous Email Chess :)



Leave it as is. We know what a group is on, just as some of know what a clan is on another chess site. Simplicity is usually the best answer I find.


I say leave it as 'group' when they're not in a game, and change it to 'team' when they're in a game.




Yeah I would say just leave it as group.


Is this close enough to implementation as that we should start creating and forming these team-groups? If so, I'll make one and start recruiting.


Cabals? Phalanxes?

Anyway, I prefer the consideration of having groups that participate in matches carry the denomination "team", as there are countless groups that would have no intention of participating in such a match, as their binding collagen is other than simply chess. (e.g. Chess History, Writer's Group)


Locke, we can form some kind of Canadian Cabal with the Grobe.

And then include the Irish. And the Portugese. In our Canadian Cabal.



Oh, and we'll definitely need ih8sens if we're going to win any games.

Absurd and exiledcanuck would also be quite useful.

Timmaylivinali... um... he can come along for comic relief.


"The Portugese Phalanx"

"The French Faction"

"The German Genus"

"The Hungarian Herd"

"The Spanish Sect"

Sadly, I couldn't come up with anything for the Irish.


The Irate Irish


I agree with Masterful_forteit. The group becomes a team when it is playing. I wasn't sure about the world "clan", so  I looked it up on the Merriam-Webster Dictionary:

Clan. A group (as in the Scottish Highlands) made up of households whose heads claim descent from a common ancestor.

I think "team" is better, it's simpler.


Aha! And another Canadian for the ranks! I'm adding you to the list, Masterful.

Well, with Pistoleer and Evil_Homer we'd have the Inebriated Irish.

But for our friend Aoife LOB, we'd have the Insane Irish.


Sounds good, Rael, assuming I'd be allowed to play for more than one team at once.

I'm hoping the Live Chess Moderators will get together and 'exercise our authority' over all the other teams.


Cliques now? What's happening to this site?




A Chess Club is the most commonly used term for a group of people who play chess together, & generally when they play against a different group of chess players they are playing against a rival Chess Club.


I want in on the Canadian Cabal!


Anything but Clan, I do not think that is the right choice as in some historical references it has a negative meaning.


It doesn't matter to me as long as we get this thing up and running.Because who ever i join will get the best out of me


First thing i'll do when i become a premium member is to create a group-of-1. Me only, no one else admitted.

After a few weeks I will expel myself for showing impertinence to group-founder ;)