
How to beat bishop and king with rook and king?


How do you win against a bishop and a king vs a rook and a king?


I would try to checkmate as if it was a king and rook vs king, trying to stay on squares the best I can without going on the color of the bishop (here it would be useless) while still carrying out the plan, and look for possibilities to capture the bishop. Watching out for bishop pinning or fork.


It is an ongoing game, this one:

so you are not supposed to ask for advice until the game is finished.


 R+K vs. B+K is a theoretical draw.


 Not all positions, like in the game you posted. White keeps the black king on the Kingside and checkmates ( i think). But it might be a draw: Black keepse his king on g8 and the black bishop goes a3-f8-a3-f8-a3-f8 and so on.


Yeah, the final (so to speak) draw is in the opposite colored corner.  Not sure which positions pass as a win or loss though.

If he tries king on g8 and bishop on f8 then white can go king on g6 and rook checks on back rank.  After Bf8 then rook stays on backrank and zugzwang wins the bishop.

Point is that same try with black king in light corner is stalemate.

I know that it's related to an ongoing game but... it's just general endgame theory shrug*