
Questions of color


I recently had a discussion with a friend about associating each chess piece with a color. This is what we came up with:

King = purple

Queen = red/white

Bishop = gray

Knight = silver/black

Rook = gold

Pawn = blue

Perhaps there is some history related to this. Please let me know what you think. Please post your suggestions here.




Sounds colorful! Wink


Hey, Janie! I have a good reason for asking. It's a very crafty thing. Wink

Surely opposing pieces need to different colours???

Well... not for the application I have in mind. Close your eyes. Think of a King. What color pops into your head? For me it's purple... the color of royalty. Smile


King - purple, Queen - white, Knight - black, Rook and Bishop - silver and gold


King - Purple; Queen - Red; Rook - black; knight - White; Bishop - Gold; Pawn - gray or silver. And yes, purple is historically a royal color. I should know Laughing

King purple, queen red, bishop black, knight silver, rook brown, pawn blue

Purple was the color of roalty because it was the most expensive piment/dye to manufacture. you had to be wealthy just to afford a purple garment. Magenta pigments used in paint applications are stil quite pricey.


Perhaps the Queen should be magenta... that's a very Queenly color!


King - purple, queen - white, rook - grey, bishop - gold & silver, knight - black, pawn - green OR red (if played in the UK).


But if one king is purple and so what color goes for the other king? And what about Rooks, Bishops and Knights?

What about color blind people? How they will play!! 

Welcome to chaos! 


I'll think over this matter and be back to you soon. Tongue out


blank for me Frown








backrankblues wrote:

But if one king is purple and so what color goes for the other king? And what about Rooks, Bishops and Knights?

What about color blind people? How they will play!! 

Welcome to chaos! 

i dont play zuma or gems games, look the same for me,

higher level of those games, means lucky or i clicked faster than previous attempt Laughing

BlacB wrote:

Well... not for the application I have in mind. Close your eyes. Think of a King. What color pops into your head? For me it's purple... the color of royalty.

When I think of a King, I just see regicideUndecided


As well, as being some delusional, out-of-touch, megalomaniac.


Pawns are blue in my mind because 1. you must be true to be on the front line and 2. it can be a very blue existence... you know... you're often the first to get it.

But... if you're that one lucky pawn that makes it to reincarnation, well, for you, it's... "Blues skies, smiling at me... nothing but blue skies do I see. Blue birds singing a song... nothing but blue birds all day long"


The connection between pawn and blue could of course be Freudian (porn = blue) Embarassed


absolutely... i am sure that is it. Undecided 

only if the pawns are all linebackers dressed in those exquisitely tight football player pants... and i was the queen with the perfect *rear* view... hmmm... how do you say... glutes galore... then maybe... we could call it Freudian... Laughing


Queen should be transparent, mine always seems to vanish!