
Signs you're a bad chess player

holon23 wrote:

When you play cowardly a winning position


WHat do you mean by cowardly?

It is well accepted that when you have a winning position, it is best to play safely; avoid complications, don't go on unnecessary pawn hunts, don't give your opponent the opportunity to undermind your advantage(think defense as Heisman says)

If this is what you mean, then I would have to disagree with your definition of cowardly.


When you get checkmated before you even make your first move.


"It is well accepted that when you have a winning position, it is best to play safely"

NO, and one hundred times NO

You m
ust play according to the position requeriments in any situation.

holon23 wrote:

"It is well accepted that when you have a winning position, it is best to play safely"

NO, and one hundred times NO

You m
ust play according to the position requeriments in any situation.

Of course. And one of the requirements in a winning position is to ensure you don't lose that position. And, to do so, it is generally best to not take unnecessary risks with your position.

Of course, there are different levels of "winning position".

If you have a queen, rook and bishop and your opponent has a king and a pawn, then sure, you can do pretty much any crazy thing you want.

However, if you each have a queen, rook, bishop and king, and he has 1 pawn and you have 2 - Then you do have to play cautiously.

Remember, the player with the losing position has less to lose by creating complications and trying for bold plans. As the player with the winning position, you have everything to lose and to risk squandering it away is just plain silly.

I think understanding this would help anyone with a 50% win rate after 3, 205 games improve tremendously.


Who says take unnecessary risks in a winning position? For sure the entire understand what i say. 

Your example of having one pawn of advantage is hilarius, that does not need to be a winning position. There are one million factors in the board. In your example we can imagine many positions, some might be winning and some may be drawish or loosing positions. What if your two pawns are connected and advanced, your pieces well coordinated and your king safe for example. As well is easy to imagine the same scenario with a pawn of advantage in a totally loosing position. I dont see the point of your arguments

holon23 wrote:

Who says take unnecessary risks in a winning position? For sure the entire understand what i say. 

If you're talking about the part where u said that playing in a cowardly manner in a winning position is a sign that you're a bad chess player, then no, at least I don't understand what you're saying.


Im a bad player. Play in a cowardly manner means follow your emotions instead of try to play the best moves avaible. Thats what i mean .. its really that hard to understand?

holon23 wrote:

Im a bad player. Play in a cowardly manner means follow your emotions instead of try to play the best moves avaible. Thats what i mean .. its really that hard to understand?

So essentially you're saying that not playing the best moves available is a sign that you're a bad chess player. Ok... that makes sense, but isn't that sort of obvious?

Also, playing in a cowardly manner isn't necessarily following your emotions. In some positions that is the best way to play.

holon23 wrote:

Im a bad player. Play in a cowardly manner means follow your emotions instead of try to play the best moves avaible. Thats what i mean .. its really that hard to understand?

Perhaps you could post an example from one of your games of someone playing in a 'cowardly' manner.

LaughingCoolSmileTongue Out
macer75 wrote:
holon23 wrote:

Im a bad player. Play in a cowardly manner means follow your emotions instead of try to play the best moves avaible. Thats what i mean .. its really that hard to understand?

So essentially you're saying that not playing the best moves available is a sign that you're a bad chess player. Ok... that makes sense, but isn't that sort of obvious?

Also, playing in a cowardly manner isn't necessarily following your emotions. In some positions that is the best way to play.

Play cowardly is follow your emotions. And in chess playing cowardly is bad, you need to be confident. Play defensive moves is not being a coward. Coward moves are usually stupid moves, overrate your opponents threats and underestimate your good moves.

I see this many times, specially in blitz games, someone gain a minor piece against me and then instead of play normally they try to trade all the pieces .. making worst his position and finally loosing the game because he become obsessed with simplification and miss some tactics or whatever. That does not mean that trade pieces to go for a winning endgame is being a coward, it means that in that position in particular it was a bad idea to play like that. A coward state of mind leads you to make bad decisions. Nobody sees play cowardly as a virtue in chess. 



1.Your name is N. N. Patzer

2.You "sacrifice" a lot of your pieces. Well, more like hanging them all over the place anyway.

3.After playing a chess game crashes because it isn't programmed for a negative rating.

4.You forced a checkmate once... for your opponent.

5.Although you tried your best, you always find the worst move in a position.

6.You're hired by several kindergartens to play chess games against the kiddies in order to "boost their confidence". staff opened up a new site and gave you free diamond membership for that site so that you don't ruin this site's reputation.

8.Nobody had never lost to you although some tried really hard, but they always wins no matter how bad they played.

9.You play in a tournament and cheats using Houdini. After Houdini finds a brilliant queen sacrifice, you see the evaluation score is 8.91, so you decided to play without Houdini and threw your headphones into the bin. Then you remembered that you didn't know the follow up to the queen sac.

10.The only opening you play is the fool's mate as white.

Wolfwind wrote:

5. You get a beer to celebrate your rating being four digits again .


I find that higly offencive :) also you enter your first tournament bringing ludo pices 


You play French defense


You lose against the French Defense


You play chess against a girl, and she literally can't even.


And yet she checkmates you by accident.


Your opponent announces mate in 147 when you have a mate in one and you resign believing in your opponent

WISH_I_WAS_A_GM wrote:

Your opponent announces mate in 147 when you have a mate in one and you resign believing in your opponent

You you did this to your oponent and it was your only win.


You say your favourite chess player is Polgar, after they ak you which, you say " There is more than one??!!!!! "