
Analysis of position in Danish Gambit


I just finished a game against a lower-rated opponent using the danish gambit.  It wasn't a perfect game, but a position arose that was quite interesting that I thought I would post.  


Obiusly 18.Rxf7+ Kg8 19.Rg7+ Kh8 follow up by taking all the pawns except the h pawn and finish off with the queen. Simple Seesaw.



I thought of some other moves first but couldn't you just move the rook on g7 back to g4#?

Berzha wrote:

Obiusly 18.Rxf7+ Kg8 19.Rg7+ Kh8 follow up by taking all the pawns except the h pawn and finish off with the queen. Simple Seesaw.

That was my first thought, but what if black plays 18...Ne5? 


I think you're right though berzha, and i should have stuck with my first idea of the windmill.  

18. Rxf7 Ne5 19. Bxe5 dxe5 20. Rxd8, and if Kg8 I can do the regular windmill.


forgot about the pawn


what is a windmill?

OM63 wrote:

what is a windmill?


Smartens, thx


I think it's kind of strange that you are posting a danish gambit win over a player who's 300 points lower than you when he blundered at several points giving you an overwhelming attack.   As a 1700 player you are a reasonably strong player.  A 1400 player is very weak, compartively speaking, and should basically not be able to put up much of a fight, as evidenced here. 


A "windmill" is when a piece goes back and forth to the same square, giving check.  The check forces the king on to a square where he will then be hit by a "discovered" check.  this gives the attacker a "free move" to capture more material or create a mating position.  In the game here, after white played Rxg7+, the black king was forced to the corner.  white could have continued by capturing material along the 7th rank, and after each capture going back to g7, forcing the black king back into the corner to start all over again.  Black had the option of committing suicide by playing Ne4 blocking the bishop check, this would end the windmill.  So, this is not a true, pure windmill.  If it were, stopping it by comitting chessiac sucide would not be an option.

polydiatonic wrote:

I think it's kind of strange that you are posting a danish gambit win over a player who's 300 points lower than you when he blundered at several points giving you an overwhelming attack. As a 1700 player you are a reasonably strong player. A 1400 player is very weak, compartively speaking, and should basically not be able to put up much of a fight, as evidenced here.

This is the game analysis forums, not the game showcase forums.  I posted it because I was interested in the position in the diagram that I posted in the first post, not because I wanted to show off a win against a weaker opponent.  Go troll somewhere else.


Hah! A  troll're seem to be a bit of an idiot.


You know what, that was a little bit harsh, you're probably not an idiot, you also have a short fuse calling me a troll.   You just wanted to no if line was the right one.   I guess I'm just put off by the idea that this is a wind mill  when it's really not.  If I'm a troll then we're all trolls. Troll!