
Chess (the book)


hey guys

Last week i read the book "chess" written by Stefan Zweig. Black, who had the next move, went with Kg8-h7. For me, as a bellow average player, it would have made more sense to move the pawn to c1 (like McGonor in the book wanted to). Can anyone of you give me a reason why to move the king instead of the pawn?

Thanks a lot



Ok i think i've got it.

After trading the pawn to a queen, the bishop takes the queen. Black captures the bishop with its knight. White follows that move with d6. Now black has to protect himself of allowing white to trade its pawn to a queen and plays Rd8. White plays Rxc1 and is up by two pawns (well one of them gets captured with the next move).

Am i Right?

I still don't get why they moved the King in the book to get a draw.


Weil ein Remis ein besseres Ergebnis darstellt, als eine Niederlage, die Schwarz mit einem Bauern weniger bei gleichbleibender Figurenstärke nicht abwenden könnte. Bis heute Abend!


Yes - you are right. And I guess the king are moved because of basic endgame rules: centralization and opposition.