
Double check checkmate!!!


This is a game I recently played against a higher rated opponent. It was online chess and I just thought that it was a really nice checkmate as it was a double check checkmate. I have never seen this before and almost missed it lol. Also, I was just wondering if this happens a lot as I have never seen it before. If you have seen one or  achieved one could you please post it as I would really like to see more of these.


Fantastic skill! You are improving lots and this checkmate is proof, that move Bb8 was amazing and everything that followed just showed complete skill! Keep rising, in terms of this type of checkmate being common...I'm not sure as every chess game is different but I would say this isn't as common as say a queen and rook checkmate. -KH


Aswell, can anyone explain move 16 ke2. It doesent really accomplish anything and to be honest seems like a huge blunder. Thoughts anyone???