
Falkbeer Counter Gambit


This is the first time I have had analyze a game and have practically no errors!




yeah black's moves aren't how i've seen this is supposed to be be played but often black plays these lines incorrectly at my level (i think)


Yes, I admit black gave me some freebies, but even so, I usually don't find the most accurate moves.  I could have easily messed up, too


There is a line in the Falkbeer Counter Gambit in which black just pushes the e-pawn ( 3. ... e4 ) and is willing to sac it should white attack it with the d-pawn ( 4. d3 ) by pushing it even further ( 4. ... e3 ). I encountered this line in the demo version of some chess teaching program. Being two pawns down is not that great I thought to myself. But the Kings Gambit came up in a recent sudden death game of mine and I decided to give it a try. My opponent seemingly unfamiliar with the position chose to attack the pushed pawn with the knight instead. The result was shocking:

It may be that the Falkbeer Counter Gambit is objectively somewhat more favourable to white than some other defenses to the Kings Gambit but in a quick game it seems far more playable since black has a very comfortable development and not many issues that need long thinking ( not to mention the element of surprise ).