
How should i go on i have no clue about the midgame^^

Capturing with the bishop looks safe.

Yeah, I missed that, b5 unpins the knight, how annoying :(  You'd get a pawn for the exchange and he's not developed... would be a fun line but don't know how realistic it is anymore.

Ne5 looks pretty annoying, I see what you mean about the f4 skewer, I missed that too.

Scottrf wrote:
Capturing with the bishop looks safe.

Yeah I was just looking at that, it's interesting.  I've been going over some Korchnoi games and it seems like the last 5 he or his opponent has saced the exchange for active pieces (of course it always works out for them, not always so much for us ;)


Thats an exchange not a rook.  And white does have a passed pawn on the queenside where he is stronger

Maybe its not enough for an advantage.  But, probably dynamically equal at a glance 

waffllemaster wrote:

 I've been going over some Korchnoi games and it seems like the last 5 he or his opponent has saced the exchange for active pieces (of course it always works out for them, not always so much for us ;)

That's because they choose to, I don't!


Heh, yeah.  I have a great position and a well thought out move... just like the pros do it, won't be long now and I'll win the game... but then it turns out something like "b5 unpins the knight" and now I'm fighting to stay in the game because of an unforced error.

I read one annotation a few years ago from a GM though.  Something like "I spent 8 minutes considering Ne5 before I realized it dropped a piece (cites 1 move tactic).  It makes me feel better they're mortal too... even if they don't show it very often.


He only keeps the passed pawn by not taking the knight though and if he takes the knight it's definitely not an exchange in his favour. If bishop takes the f pawn is at risk from the queen and with the knight in the way and the bishop displaced he loses the threat of the queen/rook skewer


There's a video of Kasparov making a screw up on YouTube. You should see his reaction lol


Yeah vs Anand, it's brilliant.


Seems like he keeps the passed pawn... but I've missed enough moves for tonight.  Got off chesstempo recently and... not a great session I have to say.


Lol I know the feeling. I missed a few moves analysing that board myself. Shouldn't really be happening at my rating but like you said we're only human!