
KID gets a Beating


Sorry this is not a KID, it's a Modern Defence that transposes into something a bit like the Gruenfeld.

Hammerschlag wrote:
Atos wrote:

Sorry this is not a KID, it's a Modern Defence that transposes into something a bit like the Gruenfeld.

 Ok, so maybe I'm playing what I think to be the KID wrong; is the Modern D a good defense or usually lead to a slight advantage for White? How was it that I did not even find a little offense the entire game with this particular opening? Did I miss opportunities? I have not play this style of defense as Black much so I don't know if I am missing the points of the defense; maybe I am relying on my tactical training to get me through the game and not really understanding of playing the opening well enough.

Well, I know something about the KID, not much about the Modern so that I am not sure if I can help. I think that the KID is somewhat stronger but the Modern is also quite playable so I wouldn't blame the opening. With the White Bishop on f4 trying to be a nuisance, I would have wanted to play d6 here instead of d5 but that might be a subjective preference. I haven't gone through the whole game yet, will post later if I have some further comments.


GM Raymond Keene played the pirc and the modern quite a bit if i recall, you could look into some of his games


The best defense is a good offence, Maybe if you don't play the kid or modern and play your game you'll go better


Well, whatever the opening it wasn't the opening to blame here since the Black was a pawn up with a reasonable position. Something went wrong tactically later, although I don't seem to quite find where.


Do you know what your problem is? You moved the same piece far too often. Let me give you a few examples:

8. Nb4 was completely unnecessary. You should have done a developing move, such as e6 or Re8.

13. Be6 was unnecessary, as it blocked your e7 pawn from coming to e6. You should've moved it right back or not at all.

17. Nxd5 was a bad idea. The knight was well placed, and your queen was doing nothing on the back rank except stopping your rooks from connecting. Better would have been Qxd5.

19. Rxc1 was a bad move, as you should've let him come to you. You could have done something else like queen up 2 spaces to allow your other rook to take.

21. Nf6 was a bad move. Your knight was well placed, and your queen was doing nothing. You should have tried something like f6, Qh4, Qf6 or Qb8 instead (quite a few options there).

22. Nd7 was a terrible move. Your knight was well placed and you moved it to a spot which blocked your own pieces in. It was wrong of you to assume that he would simply take the knight (amateurs try to trade off at every opportunity, but good players do not).

28. a5 --- you claim there was no choice in this move, but there was so much choice. That would've been a perfect chance to simply sacrifice the weak pawn and attack his kingside with a move like Bh6 (a lot more moves that I haven't thought of).

32. Qe6 was not a good move. Just because you didn't have an immediate attack, doesn't mean that your opponent was holding all the cards and you had nothing good to do. For example, a move like Qe2 might have turned your luck around.

34. Qg4 was such a wasteful move. You had so much potential in your attack, but you just ended it all right there. A few moves which you could have tried were: g4, h5, f5, or my personal favourite, Nf6 followed by Ng4.

I can't be bothered analysing the rest. I know I'm only about 1700 rating, and some of the moves I suggested could have been wrong, but I hope that gives you some sort of insight as to what I might have been thinking. Here are 2 main tricks which should help you:

1. Never move the same piece twice in the opening, try to connect your rooks ASAP.

2. Don't take every opportunity to trade pieces, and don't expect your opponent to take you just because you put a knight near his knight.

RainbowRising wrote:

Looking over the game, the reason for your loss was that your B never got into the game so you were basically playing a piece down.

 Are you talking about the dark squared Bishop on g7?

Could you please give some examples on how could I have improved my play on that end; I just did not see any way or chance to play that piece any other way during the game. Thanks.
